Tag Archives: Salmon

Twitter Notes: Salmon, Bayesian Models, and Portfolios

The following notes are from the Fall QERM Seminar, where faculty give presentations on their research. This week features Daniel Schindler from the School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences (SAFS).

  • Ecology happens at massively varied spatial and temporal scales
  • Quantitative methods allow us to integrate spatial and temporal scales
  • Salmon are not only freshwater resource subsidies, but are also ecosystem engineers
  • Time series of water oxygen content contains a lot of info on gas exchange rate between the water and the atmosphere
  • Bayesian models can estimate gas exchange rates with orders of magnitude greater accuracy than empirical surveys
  • Variation in population dynamics across streams keeps fisheries sustainable (because of fishing portfolios)
  • Variability comes from local adaptation in fish and from shifting mosaics of suitable habitat
  • Models can (and should!) be used to make science more transparent

I was impressed by the speaker’s example of how models could be used to communicate a scientific result to a general audience. So here’s my question to you:

What should you do (or not do) to make your research more accessible to a general audience?